dmxcommon.h File Reference

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#define GETONLYPRIVFROMPRIVATE   myPrivate *priv = private
#define GETDMXINPUTFROMPRIV   DMXInputInfo *dmxInput = &dmxInputs[priv->dmxLocal->inputIdx]
#define GETDMXLOCALFROMPDEV   DMXLocalInputInfoPtr dmxLocal = pDev->devicePrivate
#define DMX_KEYBOARD_EVENT_MASK   (KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | KeymapStateMask)
#define DMX_POINTER_EVENT_MASK   (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask)


void dmxCommonKbdGetInfo (DevicePtr pDev, DMXLocalInitInfoPtr info)
void dmxCommonKbdGetMap (DevicePtr pDev, KeySymsPtr pKeySyms, CARD8 *pModMap)
void dmxCommonKbdCtrl (DevicePtr pDev, KeybdCtrl *ctrl)
void dmxCommonKbdBell (DevicePtr pDev, int percent, int volume, int pitch, int duration)
int dmxCommonKbdOn (DevicePtr pDev)
void dmxCommonKbdOff (DevicePtr pDev)
void dmxCommonMouGetMap (DevicePtr pDev, unsigned char *map, int *nButtons)
void dmxCommonMouCtrl (DevicePtr pDev, PtrCtrl *ctrl)
int dmxCommonMouOn (DevicePtr pDev)
void dmxCommonMouOff (DevicePtr pDev)
int dmxFindPointerScreen (int x, int y)
int dmxCommonOthOn (DevicePtr pDev)
void dmxCommonOthOff (DevicePtr pDev)
void dmxCommonOthGetInfo (DevicePtr pDev, DMXLocalInitInfoPtr info)
pointer dmxCommonCopyPrivate (DeviceIntPtr pDevice)
void dmxCommonSaveState (pointer private)
void dmxCommonRestoreState (pointer private)

Detailed Description

Interface to functions used by backend and console input devices.

See also:

Define Documentation

Display                 *display;       \
    Window                  window;         \
    DMXScreenInfo           *be;            \
    DMXLocalInputInfoPtr    dmxLocal;       \
    int                     initPointerX;   \
    int                     initPointerY;   \
    long                    eventMask;      \
    KeybdCtrl               kctrl;          \
    PtrCtrl                 mctrl;          \
    int                     kctrlset;       \
    int                     mctrlset;       \
    KeybdCtrl               savedKctrl;     \
    XModifierKeymap         *savedModMap;   \
    int                     stateSaved
DMX_COMMON_XKB;                         \
    XDevice                 *xi
DMX_COMMON_OTHER;                       \
    XkbDescPtr              xkb;            \
    XkbIndicatorRec         savedIndicators
#define DMX_KEYBOARD_EVENT_MASK   (KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | KeymapStateMask)

Referenced by dmxCommonKbdOff(), and dmxCommonKbdOn().

#define DMX_POINTER_EVENT_MASK   (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask)

Referenced by dmxCommonMouOff(), and dmxCommonMouOn().

GETDMXLOCALFROMPDEV;                                                \
    DMXInputInfo         *dmxInput = &dmxInputs[dmxLocal->inputIdx]

Referenced by dmxCheckSpecialKeys(), and dmxEnqueue().

GETDMXLOCALFROMPDEVICE;                                             \
    DMXInputInfo         *dmxInput = &dmxInputs[dmxLocal->inputIdx]

Referenced by dmxDeviceOnOff(), and dmxKeyboardOn().

#define GETDMXLOCALFROMPDEV   DMXLocalInputInfoPtr dmxLocal = pDev->devicePrivate

Referenced by dmxFixup(), dmxMotion(), and enqueueMotion().

#define GETONLYPRIVFROMPRIVATE   myPrivate *priv = private

Function Documentation

pointer dmxCommonCopyPrivate ( DeviceIntPtr  pDevice)

Returns a pointer to the private area for the device that comes just prior to pDevice in the current dmxInput device list. This is used as the private area for the current device in some situations (e.g., when a keyboard and mouse form a pair that should share the same private area). If the requested private area cannot be located, then NULL is returned.

References _DMXInputInfo::devs, dmxInputs, GETDMXLOCALFROMPDEVICE, _DMXInputInfo::numDevs, and _DMXLocalInputInfo::private.

void dmxCommonKbdBell ( DevicePtr  pDev,
int  percent,
int  volume,
int  pitch,
int  duration 

Sound they keyboard bell.


void dmxCommonKbdCtrl ( DevicePtr  pDev,
KeybdCtrl *  ctrl 

Update the keyboard control.

References dmxCommonKbdSetCtrl(), dmxCommonSaveState(), and GETPRIVFROMPDEV.

void dmxCommonKbdGetInfo ( DevicePtr  pDev,
DMXLocalInitInfoPtr  info 

Fill in the XKEYBOARD parts of the info structure for the specified pDev.

References dmxCommonRestoreState(), dmxCommonSaveState(), dmxLogInput(), _DMXLocalInitInfo::freenames, GETDMXINPUTFROMPRIV, GETPRIVFROMPDEV, NAME, and _DMXLocalInitInfo::names.

Referenced by dmxBackendKbdGetInfo(), and dmxConsoleKbdGetInfo().

void dmxCommonKbdGetMap ( DevicePtr  pDev,
KeySymsPtr  pKeySyms,
CARD8 *  pModMap 

Get the keyboard mapping.


Referenced by dmxBackendKbdGetInfo(), and dmxConsoleKbdGetInfo().

void dmxCommonKbdOff ( DevicePtr  pDev)
int dmxCommonKbdOn ( DevicePtr  pDev)

Turn pDev on (i.e., take input from pDev).

References DMX_KEYBOARD_EVENT_MASK, dmxCommonSaveState(), and GETPRIVFROMPDEV.

void dmxCommonMouCtrl ( DevicePtr  pDev,
PtrCtrl *  ctrl 

Update the mouse control.

References dmxCommonMouSetCtrl(), and GETPRIVFROMPDEV.

void dmxCommonMouGetMap ( DevicePtr  pDev,
unsigned char *  map,
int *  nButtons 

Obtain the mouse button mapping.


Referenced by dmxBackendMouGetInfo(), and dmxConsoleMouGetInfo().

void dmxCommonMouOff ( DevicePtr  pDev)
int dmxCommonMouOn ( DevicePtr  pDev)
void dmxCommonOthOff ( DevicePtr  pDev)

Turn pDev off.


void dmxCommonRestoreState ( pointer  private)
void dmxCommonSaveState ( pointer  private)

This routine saves and resets some important state for the backend and console device drivers:

  • the modifier map is saved and set to 0 (so DMX controls the LEDs)
  • the key click, bell, led, and repeat masks are saved and set to the values that DMX claims to be using

This routine and dmxCommonRestoreState are used when the pointer enters and leaves the console window, or when the backend window is active or not active (for a full-screen window, this only happens at server startup and server shutdown).

References dmxCommonKbdSetCtrl(), DMXDBG0, dmxLogInput(), dmxScreens, dmxSync(), dmxUseXKB, and GETPRIVFROMPRIVATE.

Referenced by dmxBackendCollectEvents(), dmxCommonKbdCtrl(), dmxCommonKbdGetInfo(), dmxCommonKbdOn(), and dmxConsoleCollectEvents().

int dmxFindPointerScreen ( int  x,
int  y 

Given the global coordinates x and y, determine the screen with the lowest number on which those coordinates lie. If they are not on any screen, return -1. The number returned is an index into dmxScreenInfo and is between -1 and dmxNumScreens - 1, inclusive.

References dmxNumScreens.