
			   TeXPower bundle
	              Installation instructions.

                 This file last changed on July 26, 2004


This instruction assumes that your TeX distribution follows TDS [1].
Popular distributions known to follow TDS are:
 - teTeX: Unix, Linux and releated OS.
 - fpTeX: Windows
 - MiKTeX: Windows
The TeXLive CD also follows TDS of course.

Installing the TeXPower bundle is very easy:

1) Run "latex tpbundle.ins" to generate all the files.

2) Move all files anding with .cls, .sty and .cfg to 

      <path to a texmf tree>/tex/latex/texpower/

3) Produce documentation by compiling "manual.tex". Produce the implementation
   documentation by running
     latex <package>.dtx
     makeindex -s gglo.ist -o <package>.gls <package>.glo
     makeindex -s gind.ist -o <package>.ind <package>.idx
     latex <package>.dtx
   where <package> is "texpower", "powersem" or "tplists".

4) The rest of the files - documentation, examples and demos - can be 
   moved to

      <path to a texmf tree>/tex/doc/latex/texpower/

5) Refresh the filename database - run "mktexlsr" for teTeX/fpTeX 
   and "initexmf -u" for MiKTeX [2].

6) If you also intend to use the tpslifonts package, please go into the
   tpslifonts subdirectory and read 01install.txt

On a Unix-like system 1) and 3) can be done easily using "make".

Read 00readme.txt for a short the description of the bundle.

[1] TDS -  TeX Directory Structure - http://www.tug.org/tds/
[2] You can also update the filename database from MiKTeX Options.