FROM: .............................. Call Sign............... .............................. .............................. BayCom - Team Rudi Dussmann, DK5RQ Otto-Hahn-Str. 9 D-8400 Regensburg Date:..................... Herewith my order for the following Item(s): (Please indicate Quantity required) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Artical Price ------------------------------------------------------------------ ( ) Program BayCom with Manual, 5 1/4" Disk DM 20.-- ( ) Program BayCom with Manual, 3 1/2" Disk DM 20.-- ( ) RS232 Modem, complete Components incl. TCM 3105 with Manual and BayCom-Software DM 89.-- ( ) Additional kit to build on digital Squelch DM 10.-- ( ) Empty PCB for the RS22 Modem with Construct.Info DM 12.-- ( ) Surface Mount Modem Kit complete with all parts incl. RS232 Plug & Shell 9 Pin & BayCom-Software DM 94.-- ( ) As previous item but with 25 Pin RS232 Plug and Shell DM 94.-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total DM ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Method of Payment: ( ) has been transferred to the Konto of BayCom-Teams: Rudi Dussmann, Kto 190786-859, Postgiroamt Nuernberg, BLZ 76010085 ( ) Cheque enclosed with this order Remarks: .................................................................. .................................................................. .................................................................. Signature:..................................