DRI Users Guide
: Hardware-Specific Information and Troubleshooting
Previous: General Trouble Shooting
Next: Limitations and Known Bugs
8. Hardware-Specific Information and Troubleshooting
This section presents hardware-specific information for normal
use and troubleshooting.
8.1. 3dfx Voodoo3
8.1.1. Troubleshooting
- 3D acceleration for Voodoo3 is only supported in the 16
bit/pixel screen mode.
to verify that all your visuals are depth 16.
Edit your XF86Config file if needed.
8.1.2. Performance
- Normally, buffer swapping in double-buffered applications is
synchronized to your monitor's refresh rate.
This may be overridden by setting the
environment variable.
The value of this variable indicates the maximum number of
swap buffer commands can be buffered.
Zero allows maximum frame rate.
- The
is not directly supported
by the 3dfx hardware.
It can be accomplished with a multipass algorithm but it's not
implemented at this time.
Applications which use that mode, such as the Performer Town
demo, may become sluggish when falling back to software
rendering to render in that mode.
8.1.3. Known Problems
- SSystem has problems because of poorly set near and far
clipping planes.
The office.unc Performer model also suffers from this problem.
8.2. Intel i810
8.3. Matrox G400
8.4. ATI Rage 128
8.5. 3DLabs Oxygen GMX 2000
The driver for this hardware was experimental and is no longer being
developed or supported.
DRI Users Guide
: Hardware-Specific Information and Troubleshooting
Previous: General Trouble Shooting
Next: Limitations and Known Bugs